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Human art installations: Naked Berlin

NAKED BERLIN is a statement. Naked means in this context honest. There is no need for labels nor social constructs. We need to disrobe all of our prejudices against the natural nudity of the human body. We have to deconstruct our patterns.

NAKED BERLIN is a homage to the city and its freedom. We all still live in bubbles around the city although it appears as a multicultural megapolis, In the last 10 years the city has been changing rapidly. The notorious gentrification has come and brought many changes within. We are fighting back but how long should this fight go and who is responsible for the results ?

NAKED BERLIN is a political body. Personal still remains political. But there is no personal solutions this time. There is a collective solution through collective actions. Our bodies are intersectional places that are bio-psycho-socially imbued and therefore, politically involved. Our experiences of power or disempowerment are invariably embedded in our bodies and how we choose to cover them. Being naked has become a tool of democracy. Once you are nude, nobody can read your labels be it class, nationality, education etc. The only thing that’s left is human.

NAKED BERLIN is about diversity and body positivity. We are part of a social movement and we challenge the ways in which society presents and views the physical body and genders. We advocate the acceptance of all bodies no matter the form, size, religion, sexual orientation or sexual identity, gender, color, or appearance. Our bodies are judged by others, and so we try to work and represent the most vulnerable groups as POC ́s, trans* and queer , and people with disabilities. Our goal is to address unrealistic beauty standards and build up the confidence of oneself and others.

NAKED BERLIN consists of 3 parts. First part is WATERFALL. In 2018 we covered an artificial waterfall in the Victoria Park, Kreuzberg with naked body and turned it into a Human Fall. The second part is WEIL ICH DICH LIEBE and deals with subway stations in Berlin. In 2019 we did over 16 interventions during the night hours at different subway stations. In the third part we worked in 2020 with the body and architecture and did series of actions called URBAN BODIES at diverse spots all over Berlin. Being honest involves the capacity to be vulnerable, authentic, and honest with yourself.

NAKED BERLIN is a temporary human art installations (2018-2020) by Abdulsalam Ajaj and Mischa Badasyan


Box 11051
100 61, Stockholm 

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